beardyw 8 hours ago | next |

> The brain was once again carrying out basic cellular functions, but it wasn’t conscious—researchers didn’t expect anything that extreme—and couldn’t be called “alive.”

So not bought back to life then. Still, why ruin a great headline.

utiiiD 10 hours ago | prev | next |

Ethics around reanimating to the level of perception and consciousness is very interesting

reify 8 hours ago | prev |

I like it when scientists, if that is what they are called these days, "PROVE" something beyond absolute doubt.

So I ASK. where are these dead brains that have been brought back to life.

I am sure, the Donald, the Musk and the Zuck and other persons who believe in reincarnation and immortality would be knocking on their doors tomorrow to get their dead brains revitalised.

Just a thought